Anyway, this is a conversation editor for messages in the 3DS Fire Emblem games, Awakening and Fates. We might leave a few characters off this list if their appearance constitutes a major spoiler - and this page is also a work in progress, so it won't quite contain all of the characters - but we've got most of them so far. Fire Emblem Conversation Editor I have no idea if I'll finish this post before midnight (probably not), but hey Finished when I said I would, despite weekend laziness. You can look up the cast, decide who you like the look of best, or simply satisfy your curiosity, since it'll be many in-game months before you see these designs in action. That's where this page comes in - we're filling it in with all the character portraits to showcase the character designs both before and after the timeskip. The students of the monastery change significantly in the time that passes - and some players are thrown by that, as they want to plan ahead for character recruitment or to decide which of the romanceable characters they prefer to pursue a relationship with. While we won't get into what happens in the story of the game around and as a result of the passage of time represented by the leap forwards that is the timeskip, one thing that a lot of players are curious about and in many cases want to know about before they encounter the skip themselves is what happens to Fire Emblem: Three Houses' eclectic cast of characters.

Naturally, while the timeskip itself was no secret and was part of Three Houses' pre-release promotion, you might find these character designs to be a spoiler. Revealed by Nintendo prior to the game's release, the timeskip in Fire Emblem: Three Houses is hardly a secret - and quite a lot changes as the years pass by.