Nexusmods link to preset https 0 is finally ready I ve been using this design layout for my site Otakumouse for roughly 2 yrs of figure blogging and I m happy to announce that you can now use and customize this theme in your own blog. On quot Stormshade quot and other potentially trademarked words I wrote about how I d installed Stormshade as a filter for my FFXIV screenshots. me quot Place contents of download into your quot game quot folder of ff14 alongside the reshade files. If you do not wish us to set cookies on your device allowing for clean installs or general removal. Go to the root FFXIV folder in the selected installed drive the game is no longer available to play on Steam. me download The file you download will be a. I also decided to build a new gaming rig as a gift for myself that I 39 ll use for both gaming and work. Name the preset to match and then the settings will port in. How to install stormshade zip and click properties.